


Our consultants combine practical business experience with effective tools and techniques, helping you to concentrate on running the business.
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Lean Manufacturing

Forget the jargon and buzzwords - we give you practical help, in plain English, that delivers great results for your business. And we don't care what you call it! Lean Manufacturing, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement - it's all about helping people to work together and find better ways to do things. In fact, many of our clients simply talk about "A Better Way" to do business. It's applied common sense!
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Our approach is designed to transfer skills and knowledge to the participants. Wherever possible we use real-world examples, and keep the jargon to a minimum.
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Process Improvement

We see a process as a sequence of activities that adds value for customers. We help you focus on understanding the customer’s needs, and on designing effective and efficient processes to deliver them, using a combination of Lean Thinking and PISO®.

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